San Luis Obispo


WEEK 1 MONDAY July 9, 2000

The Many Faces of Jane Curry

Jane Curry
Solo Performance

"Horses swear, men perspire, and women glisten." Folklore

Nice Girls Don't Sweat features Sammy Kay Knight, English teacher and veteran of the All-American Red Heads professional basketball team, as she tells stories about women's experiences with sports and exercise over time. While she talks with the reporter who has come to interview her before the faculty-student game that evening, Sammy Kay also shares historical and contemporary pictures from her scrapbooks.

Her verbal meanderings engage the enduring themes of physical capacities, propriety, and femininity.

"It's hard to thing of yourself as weak and dependent
after you've justrun five or ten miles"

"Worst of all [bicycle riding] was liable to ruin
the 'organs ofmatrimonial necessity."

Jane Curry

An author, storyteller, performer, and recovering academic, Jane Curry received her B.A. from Hanover College and her M. A. and Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. She performs nationally with two other solo shows she has written: Samantha "Rastles" the Women Question, and Just Say Know: Educating Females for the 21st Century. For nine seasons she has toured with the Minnesota Chautauqua as Samantha, as the the storyteller in "River Ramblings," and in "The Trouble Begins at Eight."

Born and reared in Speedway, Indiana, within earshot of the Indianapolis 500, as a youngster Curry played football in the neighborhood, baseball at recess, and basketball wherever she found a hoop and backboard. She also churned the waters on the local swimming team and continued to play sports in high school and college. Illustrating that the Peter Principle endures, she has coached a high school tennis team and a grade school basketball team. Nowadays, she is an avid racquetball player and scuba diver.

"I do not participate in any sport with ambulances
at the bottom of the hill."
Erma Bombeck

"You drive the car, you don't carry it." Janet Guthrie (race driver)
"Let her swim, climb mountain peaks, pilot an airplane, battle
against the elements, take risks, go out for adventure, and she will
not feel before the world . . . timidity."
Simone de Beauvoir