Committee Information

February Letter

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February Committee Letter

Monday, February 14, 2000 Happy Valentines Day

Dear Committee;

It has been a long time since we were together in October, and much has taken place in my life as well as workshop events.

Professionally I just finished my first year as Tournament Director for the Southern Regional and CIF State Volleyball tournament. I have been involved with implementing our digital grant into my classroom. I am still working with the BTSA program (I have 2 Beginning Teachers). I returned last Friday from a Mentor Conference in San Diego, and just started the new semester at Cypress College I where I teach in the evenings). On a personal note, this has been the best year I have ever had teaching. My district is involved with the "NO social promotion" of our 8th graders to high school. This has made a major impact on classroom dynamics and the learning environment.

Personally I decided to get back involved with coaching and am now the Assistant Coach for the Senior Women's Softball Team that Sharon plays on. The team will be competing in the World Series (TBA) and the World Championships (in Winnipeg, Canada). As you would suspect, I have been working on the computer for many hours, creating web pages, and answering email, and have also been spending time with family and friends. Sharon's dad has been in and out of the hospital 3 times since we were last together in October, and my father has been dealing with some health issues of his own. We ALL need to take a few moments each day to be thankful for the friends and family that we still have, and to tell them how much they mean to us. As many of us are learning, as we get older, people can be taken from us in the blink of an eye.


The Brochure is at the printers and should be ready for mailing on the 18th of this month.

Committee and Staff Shirts are at the Embroiders and will be ready for you to pick up at the CAHPERD Conference.

The Web Site is being updated with course descriptions and resume information on a daily basis.

Bettye Swart is getting the booth ready for the CAHPERD Conference.

Wendy Triplett is preparing the Information Booklet for the registration process.

Nancy Zeiszler and Krissa Baylor have been working very hard and are finalizing the Special Sessions Speakers.

Brenna Baringer prepared a wonderful article in the CAHPERD Journal Times this month (page 33).


Let me know what your are doing, so I can include it in the next committee letter.

Make arrangements to attend the CAHPERD Conference. March 2 &endash; 5, 2000 at the Westin Hotel and Long Beach Convention Center.

Contact Bettye Swart if you are working the booth during the conference. We will need volunteers to spread the word about the workshop.

If you ARE NOT ATTENDING the CAHPERD Conference and are a CAHPERD Member
P L E A S E: make sure to send in your Absentee Ballot located on
page 7 of the CAHPERD Journal Times this month. One member One vote has changed the election process. YOU DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Support those who support you!


February 28, 2000


Nancy Zeiszler for President


Krissa Baylor for VP - GWS
Committee that have not paid for your Committee Shirt, please send a check to me for $15.00 on or before the CAHPERD CONFERENCE. After the CAHPERD Conference the cost will be $20.00 / shirt.

Committee that have not paid for the Staff Committee Dinner, please send a check to me for $25.00. Mark your Calendars for Saturday, July 8th at The Gardens of Avila.

Committee Chairpersons: Please send me an update on the progress of your committee. Please include what you have completed, and what you still need to do (email, phone, or drop a quick note in the mail).

Start collecting prizes for CASINO NIGHT. As always, Kim McEwen and her crew, that is all of us, have great things in store for Casino Night, but this task can not do it alone. Make sure to ask vendors from your school for give always.


I look forward to hearing from all of you, and hope to see you at the CAHPERD Conference in a few weeks. I have not forgotten about many of the issues that we discussed at the October Meeting. I plan to focus on these issues during the next month and will be in contact with you regarding TASK FORCE and other issues. I plan to put an additional page on the web site for Committee that will include these issues and other information.


See you in March! Love and many Hugs,

Kathie Maier

Kathie Maier

February Letter

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